Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Running.... on a treadmill.

I might be the most cold natured person on earth. I was complaining of being cold the other day in the house when it was 71 degrees - so understandably so, on days like today, low 40's, I was shivering and thinking "no-way-in-hell" am I running outside today. However, as much as I dislike the cold, I dislike running on a treadmill even more.

For my first 10k, I trained almost completely on a treadmill and had no problem. And in college, I would run 6-7 miles on a treadmill without thinking for a second that I was tired, or my legs were pounding too hard or "ouch, is that a shin splint?" But then I fell in love with road running. When given the option, I will always choose the pavement over the treadmill. I mean, you don't have to drive anywhere to run outside, you don't have to stare at the same spot on the wall for 45 minutes and when you're done, you don't have to get in your car all sweaty and drive home. But anyway, there are some days (when cold or rain or snow are involved) that require me to run on a treadmill.

I did a great interval work out the other day alternating between 9.0 mph for 1 minute and walking at 4.0 for 1 minute. Definitely could feel it in my legs afterwards but it was a quick 30 minute run and intervals help your body keep burning even after you're done running, so it felt very productive. (You should try it!)

Today, I alternated between running for 100 calories at 6.7 mph and then walking on an incline of 15. at 4.0 mph for 100 calories until I got to 500 calories. I have to give myself some sort of challenge and switch it up... 10 minutes at a time wasn't creative enough, so that's where the 100 calories idea came into play. Now, to stick with my new years "do more" list, I also did a shoulders/bis/tris work out - so I'm feeling pretty good right now. The treadmill still gave be a good work out, but I am most definitely looking forward to mid 50's tomorrow and a run with my favorite two boys...

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