Monday, January 16, 2012

Running...thru OperationLGN

Has anyone else heard of this operation? Clearly not a surgical procedure, but for some, they may have better luck with surgery. Okay, that was mean. I actually saw this posted by a frenemy... and the LGN, anyone want to take a guess what it stands for? LOOK. GOOD. NAKED. Now, you have to stop and ask yourself... why would one participate in this? I mean, I get it. Everyone wants to look good. But what about the rest of the year? What about your health? Why not #operationeathealthier or #operationdedicationtomyworkouts instead of #operationLGN? I guess if you're a virgin and you're stoked for your wedding night then maybe it's an acceptable hashtag. 

I have been diligent with my gym-going and working out. Tonight I did a killer kickboxing class (with my awesome friend Katie) - guaranteed to be sore tomorrow.... probably an 11 on a scale of 1-10 if you were wondering just how sore. I haven't done kickboxing in 4 years. I worked at a gym in college, which made it really easy to work out ... and be motivated to work out. I did every class imaginable then, and even taught a spin class. I wish I still had all the time in the world to work out, I think I would be just as dedicated now. 

Half Most of my friends are pregnant right now, which really gets me thinking.... (no, I do not have baby fever)... I don't know how I will handle pregnancy. My stomach getting any bigger is a huge red flag that sends me and my garmin305 into overdrive. I can't imagine being that big... I can't even fathom carrying around that belly for 9 months. And new clothes? Don't get me wrong, I love new clothes but I don't know if I can part with my cute 0's and 2's for stretchy pants (I got to see lots of these this weekend as my sister-in-law tried on clothes). Luckily, I have some time before I have to consider the woes of pregnancy and baby weight.

I sound very cynical and mean in this post - and I'm not. I just appreciate people who care more about themselves than just to focus on working out for 1 month before a cruise, or before they have to wear a hideous bridesmaid dress... and people who eat clean, all the time, not just sometimes. We bought our groceries at EarthFare this week and we are so thrilled with everything! Last night we had salmon, kale and black beans. It was so heavenly - and fresh! 
Anyway, obviously I would like to look good naked but that is not my ultimate goal from working out. My goals are to not be overweight, not to get diabetes like my father, or ever, ever be one of those people that lets myself go after the age of 40. I want to be healthy and in shape so that I can chase my kids around (the ones I will eventually have) ... and teach them how to stay healthy as well. So let's participate in #operationbehealthier and #operationfeelstronger and let the narcissistic folks deal with #operationLGN.

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