One might think that this post will be about my excellent balancing skills, especially if you knew at one time I was a cheerleader, dancer, gymnast and even a gymnastics teacher while in college, but no, this is not about my sense of balance. (I actually roll my ankles on a daily basis so "balancing" in that sense, is not my forte. This is about balancing my running... with everything else in my life.
I've said before that I'm in grad school, which not only requires 3 hours of class time twice a week, but also 5-10 other hours outside of class reading, writing, or working on projects. Granted, I put most of the reading and writing off until Sunday evenings, I still have the work on my "to-do" list. I also started a new job in December, as a Communications Specialist. Sounds fancy, and I love it, but I can't believe they didn't tell me how much work was involved in the role when I interviewed (all 5 times!). Yesterday alone, I had two last minute projects given to me at 2 o'clock as I was working on updating all of the sites that I'm in charge of and planning for a conference call at 3. (Oh, and did I mention that both projects were due by the end of the day?) And my group for one of my classes wanted to meet. Yes, if you're thinking that's one of those "pull-your-hair-out" moments, it was.
Now, on top of work and school, I am a girlfriend. And a live-in girlfriend at that. So I have my responsibilities at home of taking care of the dogs, cooking, cleaning (clearly he helps with this stuff but I have to do my part). I am also mommy to the world's sweetest lab and that requires at least 30 minutes of cuddle time/frisbee throwing/walking a day.
Oh, what's that? My social life? HA. Occasionally, we'll do couples dates on the weekends, or every once in a while we'll get a group together. My social life consists of classmates, whoever wants to run with me and/or go to class at the gym with me, and IMing co-workers. However, this is my choice, because I'd rather run than go to a group dinner, and I'd rather do a class at the gym than game night with friends.
Tonight, I am watching college basketball. My other passion outside of running. I'm still working on getting the hang of the new job, being a student again, and keeping up with my mileage. Always trying to sneak in a work out, even if it's running up the stairs on my way to work or parking in the back of the parking lot to walk a little extra on my way in the office.
Most days it feels like there aren't enough hours to accomplish everything that I had planned on - but I'm hopeful that one day it will all fall into place and I'll magically be able to work, work out, go to class, and do laundry all in the same 24 hours, instead of having to prioritize and leave something out.
Until then....
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